Insurer of Batuhan A, sunken ship doesn’t meet its obligations

The Turkish Ministry's recent statement sheds light on the insurer's failure to meet its obligations, shedding light on the alarming discovery of false documentation and a clandestine agreement between the insurer and the insured.

In the statement made by the Ministry of Transport, it was stated that the Batuhan A ship and the insurance company it worked with did not fulfill their obligations and issued false documents.

Turkish Chamber of Shipping shared the letter received from the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Maritime Affairs.

In its statement, the Turkish Chamber of Shipping said, "It is stated that the Dutch insurance company named ASSURANCE CLYMENE did not fulfill its obligations as an insurer after the accident in question; it has been understood that it has produced a policy based on a secret agreement (letter of intent) between the insured and the insurer in the background during the establishment of the insurance contract, which is not legally valid, contrary to the essential elements of the insurance contract, that the insurer's primary obligation arising from the contractual relationship will not be fulfilled, and it has been determined that this situation endangers the safety of life, property and environment in our seas."

According to the letter, ASSURANCE CLYMENE LIMITED B.V. will be removed from the list of insurance organizations registered in the Ministry's LYBS and LTP system as of June 1, 2024, and it is requested that this situation be taken into consideration in the works and transactions to be carried out and announced to the sector stakeholders.