Indian Ports See Cargo Decline; JNPA and Deendayal Gain

Cargo volume at India's major ports dropped by 4.95% in November, falling to 67.53 million tonnes from 71.05 million tonnes in the same month last year, according to reports from the Indian Ports Association (IPA).

While most of the 12 government-controlled ports saw a decrease in traffic, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) and Deendayal Port recorded significant increases.

JNPA, the country's leading container port, saw a 12.34% rise in cargo traffic compared to last year, while Deendayal Port experienced a 10.10% increase. On the other hand, New Mangalore Port and Mormugao Port saw steep declines of 19% and 29.64%, respectively, in cargo volumes. Other major ports like Chennai, Visakhapatnam, and Mumbai also reported year-over-year traffic drops in November.