The master of the ship Arina 1 was arrested

The tanker, positioned south of the island and destined for purchase by a Greek capital company in Izmir, was impounded by authorities due to outstanding debts. Despite this, the ship's captain, without the consent of the inspectors, boarded the vessel under the pretext of moving to a nearby anchorage and set sail for Egypt.

The port guards in the special maritime zone of Chios noticed the unauthorized departure.

The vessel had initially been seized at the Izmir port due to a $1 million debt owed by the ship's owner company, preventing its transfer to Greece. The tanker captain, instead of releasing the three inspectors sent by the buyer, falsely assigned them as oilers and cleaners using forged documents. The inspectors were confined to their cabins and prohibited from leaving the ship as it headed towards Egypt, claiming to be heading to a nearby port.

Detained in the port of Kiel (Germany) on September 21, 2023, the tanker left on December 19, 2023, but deviated from its planned route to the repair shop in Dubai.

Consequently, in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding and Article 16 of the EU Council Directive 2009/16/EC, the vessel is prohibited from entering any port or anchorage within the Paris Memorandum of Understanding area, except for the ship's designated port and anchorage, as mandated by the flag state. This denial of access takes immediate effect upon the vessel's departure from its current port and anchorage.